Friday, September 08, 2006

Interlude: Interesting Day with the '76 B

In addition to my '65 MGB, I have a '76 MGB that my wife and I have owned for 18 years... It's been a very reliable car overall, although it's not a daily driver. Well, today it let me down.....

I went to the local gas station fill up. After putting in the gas, I went to start the car - no start! And the battery wasn't turning over the car very well either.... Of course, the gas station was empty when I pulled in and there was not a line of cars with left-hand fuel fillers behind me! So, I jumped out and pushed the car about 30 feet over to a parking spot. It was about 83 degrees this afternoon.

Pop the bonnet, look around, and see that the lower nut that holds the throttle cable in place on the bracket has slid down the cable and caused the cable to jump out of the groove on the throttle lever. Okay, easy fix.... Except that the underhood temps are about 120, and everything is HOT. So I decide to wait a few minutes. In the meantime, a guy comes over and asks if I need help - turns out he owns a '79 B! MG folks are great that way. He looks and sees the same thing as me.

Well, after fooling around for a few minutes, I get the throttle shaft nut off, so I can remove the lever and get the nut back into place. Easier said than done, everything still real hot, my sweat sizzling on the exhaust manifold. Can't really get it done, and figure since I probably need to jump it anyways, maybe I will walk the mile home and get the Audi, jumper cables and some tools. So I start home and get about 500 yards away when I realize that I left my keys in the car - can't get into the house and get my Audi keys without 'em! So back I go....

Get home a total sweat-ball. Chill out inside for 20 minutes and gather my tools, head back down in the Audi. Ok, the un derhood temps are down to about 90 now, so it's all good.... Got the lower nut back on the throttle cable, put the lever back on properly, and just for the heck of it, jump in and turn the key - startes right up!! Cool, no jump start needed. So I drive the B home, then walk back down to collect the Audi. Elapsed time, about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Oh well, it was close to home, a beautiful day and I got some exercise.....!


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