Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back to Work!

Ok, after a long and cold winter (well, the latter half, at any rate) I'm reading to clean up the garage and get back to work on the project... Just have to move the snow shovels, left-over Scout popcorn and empty the junk out of the car and off my workbench......

The goal is to drive this car to MG2008, which will be held in Valley Forge, PA, the week of June 23, 2008. This is a pretty aggressive schedule and means that I need to get the bodywork done by later this year to have a shot. So we'll see. But having a goal is better than not, I guess.....

When I left off, I had removed the wiring harness from the body, and am probably ready to pull the engine and transmission out now. So, I think that will be the focus of my efforts as I restart this week-end.

I have a new camera so I'll post some pictures next week.


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